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The Psychology of Shopping

   Shopping. What makes you buy what you buy? What makes you wear what you wear? Why did you choose the style you have adopted?
   It doesn't always have to do with being a product of your environment. If that was the case, I would be using a can of Aquanet hairspray on my huge hair, wearing snakeskin cowboy boots with bleached jeans... (still)
   There are deep psychological reasons why and how you choose your style. Most adapt a particular style from their favorite movie stars or musicians. Every style has already been created for you. It is that 'inner' you that has to figure out which style fits you the best.
   I have always said that I feel like I am a step ahead of the fashion trends. That doesn't mean I have better style, taste or that 'I' created them...Lord knows I didn't.  It just happens that the particular things I have worn ironically become one of the new hot trends. Pretty much all of my life, people have made fun of me and my appearance...then the next year, everyone seemed to have caught on and then they want to befriend me. It is really an amazing phenomenon. Now that I am older, things haven't changed much. However, now the clothes I wear and how I choose to wear them are caught in a time lapse. Besides consisting of mostly, if not All black and dark colors, my style is almost non-existing in a sense. I find that other things stand out when I don't let my clothes do the talking for me. My personality and my attitude for example. Please, do not get me wrong, I LOVE clothes, especially for women. I wish I could be more comfortable in more colors, fabrics and designs. My point is this.... people choose their styles for reasons you may not see or understand right away. You might be wondering why I am bringing this up. Well, someone recently asked me why I wanted to change peoples style. They thought that I wanted them to go out a buy the designers/pieces I wear. That couldn't be further from the truth. I must admit, I am completely beside myself when it comes to the designers and designs that I love. I would like to think that I stepped outside of the box...but that is for me. The purpose for this Blog is to help educate, inspire and guide those who are having a difficult time with their style in this beautifully, materialistic fashionable world we live in.
   A lot of people can't afford the expensive luxury pieces they see in the latest Vogue or Elle. There are alternatives. Trust me. SO many times I compliment people on something they are wearing or a piece of jewelry and they say."Oh its from Forever 21!" You don't always have to spend all of your money on the top designers. You just have to be creative. People are extremely judgmental (I know I am at times), so they will criticize your choices. That's why I started this blog. There are a select few of us who care. We want to help you shop. Help you choose your next dress, handbag or pair of shoes...expensive or not. So, let's go. Let's do this. Be comfortable in your skin...then be comfortable in your clothes.